There are two major areas of research that this blog will address, which include wastewater treatment and production of renewable energy using agricultural waste or biomass.
Firstly, access to clean, safe and portable water for irrigation purpose continues to be a thing of illusion for the rural population of developing countries and the cost of the clean-up of the contaminated water is huge. The applications of agrochemicals like pesticides, herbicides and disposal of out dated chemical stocks and the washing of knapsacks used in the application of agrochemicals in rivers continue to be major sources of agrochemicals contamination in water bodies used for vegetables production.  
In order to improve the quality of Irrigation water, several works have focused on treating pesticides polluted irrigation water, these chemicals in water can be reduced or eliminated through various physical, chemical, and biological methods. One of the focus of this blog would be to investigate the possibilities of overcoming these challenges by taking advantage of the synergetic effect of some metals on some semiconductor to improve it photocatalytic activity and it photoresponse in the reclamation of polluted water. 

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